Who We Are
NAWBO Southern Nevada chapter’s Advocacy committee endorses and advocates legislation for women-owned businesses based on the criteria set forth by our NAWBO National headquarters, that states:
To best represent the diversity within our membership, all the business advocacy issues we engage in are bipartisan in nature. In order to receive support from NAWBO National, a piece of legislation must have support from both Democrats and Republicans, which means members of both parties serve as sponsors and/or original co-sponsors.
NAWBO National headquarters
How Advocacy Applies to You
In basic terms, advocacy means actively supporting or speaking up for a cause or issue to create positive change. As it relates to women business owners:
The fact that the Small Business Administration (SBA) defines a small business as having 500 or fewer employees highlights a significant challenge. It suggests that government policies, financial assistance, and resources intended for small businesses may not adequately address the unique needs or challenges of most women-owned businesses, which are much smaller.
Understanding that the average woman-owned business has fewer than 25 employees underscore the importance of advocacy. It highlights the need for women entrepreneurs to advocate for policies and support systems that cater to the specific circumstances of their smaller enterprises.
Advocacy can help level the playing field, ensuring women-owned businesses receive the attention, resources, and opportunities they deserve.

Local Resources and Community Events
Learn the ABC’s of Advocacy
What is advocacy?
Helping people to share and voice their concerns about issues that are important to them.
What are the different types of advocacy?
To learn more, click here
- Self-advocacy
- Individual advocacy
- Systems advocacy
What skills are needed to be an effective advocate?
- Research – know the facts, gather, and analyze data
- Know your audience – create specific messaging for each audience
- Communication – use tools to convey key advocacy points
- Collaboration – build strategic partnerships to support advocacy efforts
- Preparation – be prepared, organized, and unified
- Professional – be polite, listen, and respect the opinion of others
- Persistent – keep going and don’t give up
What tools are used for an advocacy campaign?
Communication is the key for effective advocacy efforts, activities, and campaigns. Tools to use are:
- Endorsements
- Testimonials
- Radio ads
- Interviews
- Social media platforms
- Brochures
- Press releases
- Television ads
- Phone campaigns
- Text campaigns
- Email campaigns
Check out County Meetings – Southern Nevada
(Limit to County meetings only. Addition of City Council or Advisory Board meetings create “content overload”)
Las Vegas Valley Community Calendar
NAWBO of Southern Nevada would like to introduce a community calendar for Las Vegas Valley’s incredible organizations, associations, and non-profits. Click here to learn more.
Join NAWBO Southern Nevada TODAY
When you join NAWBO Southern Nevada you become a member of the National Association of Women Business Owners, a strong and growing national organization that has over 60 chapters across the country. The wide-ranging benefits of membership include the advocacy strength that is NAWBO’s unique heritage and adding your voice, you become part of an empowered group of women business owners, networked and connected from coast to coast.
NAWBO is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and represents the voices of the 11 million women-owned businesses nationwide. As a member of the Southern Nevada chapter, you become part of our vibrant community of women entrepreneurs and others who support us.
Each year NAWBO National establishes advocacy initiatives. At NAWBO SNV, we fully support the national agenda and align our local efforts with theirs to UNIFY and AMPLIFY our VOICES for women’s issues nationwide and in our community.
Our CORE Advocacy Agenda
- Addressing the Needs of the “Microbusiness” and Encouraging Emerging Entrepreneurs.
- As our women business owners looking to build and retain a robust, diverse, and well-skilled workforce that also allows them to stay competitive in the marketplace, we urge Congress to consider the unique concerns of the small business workforce.
- Accessing Capital through Increased Financial Literacy Education and Digital Tools.
- Caring for the Business Owner and Caregiving Flexibilities for the Employee.