Meet Ann Parenti
Business Industry: Foundation | Investments | Production | Publishing | Sales

I own Parenti & Associates, a multi-line rep firm and have done so for the past 35 years. I also own Forgotten Song Music for almost 10 years, which is a publishing and music production company and founder of Forgotten Song Music which is a 501c3 foundation that is 8 years old. I am also the publisher and owner of Chic Compass Magazine and it is 4 years old as of August of 2022 and I also own a little investment firm called Papillion, Limited for many years.

Tell us about you

I have lived in Las Vegas since 1977 and am married to the "real McCoy" Curtis McCoy since 1996. Together we have 3 daughters (step-daughters to me) and 7 grandchildren who were born on my watch. So, I skipped motherhood and went right into grandma-hood! We are a blessed family and we enjoy spending time with the kids and grandkids whenever possible. My companies keep me busy but we still enjoy spending time traveling (well, before Covid came along) but am looking forward to getting back to the adventures soon.

Tell us about your business

I am what you might call a serial entrepreneur. I own 4 companies and am a founder of a foundation. I am always surrounded by creatives no matter what walk of life, artists, musicians, songwriters, authors, dancers, designers, architects, you name it, they make up the delightful world I live in. I believe that if you have to work for a living you better darn well love what you do because you will spend a good percent of your life doing it and I tried to convey that to my grandchildren. I love what I do for a living and hope that my grandchildren find their love in life, too

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What’s your favorite thing to do in Las Vegas?

I have many talented friends in the entertainment field and visual artists, so I am always on the go, some would say, perhaps a little too much on the go, just don't ask my husband that question. Sometimes I give him the night off just so he doesn't whine so much! Ha!

How has NAWBO helped you grow your business?

I am still relatively a new member and sadly I joined right in the middle of Covid, so I can't say that I have had anything profoundly happen to me yet by joining the organization, but there is still time! I have met a few new lovely ladies in the group and ran into some gals that I had not seen in a long time that I found out were also members. I look forward to getting back to networking and making more connections this year and next.

What are the best tips you’ve learned as a NAWBO member you’d like to share to inspire/help other women business owners in Southern Nevada? (Inspiring Tomorrow’s Leaders)

Over the years in other organizations that I have been involved with, and trust me there have been many. The three key ingredients to a successful membership is to volunteer your time on a committee or become a board member. Next, is to attend as many of the meetings that involve networking as possible. Lastly, offer mentor-ship to young people in the group. I have not had the opportunity to do that with NAWBO but like I said earlier, there is still time....